Super Moon and spotted green eggs
Come late April, early May, you can't miss the sound of the Cuckoo in the mornings...yes, even in noisy Mumbai! Sometimes she is almost crying out. Every year, I recall hearing her shrill voice getting shriller and shriller before the rains, almost as if begging the rain gods to give respite from the awfully unbearable Mumbai heat (and sweat!).
Your can't miss the Cuckoo's partner - the crow, also conspicuous at this time by its presence almost everywhere. On the road, in the window sill, on wires, on trees.....crows are seen collecting twigs, grass, wires, and just about anything wiry they can get hold of.
A few years back, I had a crow nest ....a really huge my balcony. This year, yet again, the crows have come knocking. I am grateful for once as the pigeons have reduced in number, for the ruckus they create is beyond belief.
I call them Mr. and Mrs. Kavadia (sorry...just Kava and a other intention). They are a lovely pair. For several days before they began making the nest on the pot where I have Bamboo grass and incidentally a pot of water...(read apartment with swimming pool), they began to do a recce of the place...investigating, shooing away the pigeons and generally announcing to the world that this place belongs to us.
Soon after, you found them collecting twigs, and what not and lo and behold....there was a nest. On 3 May, I took a peep on to the nest when both Mr. and Mrs. K were away. Wow! it was superb. I noticed that the outer rim was made of hard twigs and other material including electrical wire (I was just looking around my balcony to see if she has not taken one of my own wires!!! searching for local material eh!!), and as you go inside, you have softer and softer grass! I wonder how they chose these items and they know exactly what to put where in sequence. I didn't quite notice who made the house. It appeared that one of them was collecting and the other was making...I am inclined to think it was the lady of the house who took control of the construction. What a fine piece. It was round in the center, which is easy. It was made by the crow just sitting in it and moving on all sides! ingenious!!!
On 6 May was the super moon. Indeed the full moon appeared like a ball of fire. On 7 May, I saw the crow sitting there intently, with mouth open ...almost as if she was possessed with something and was beyond her. In the evening that day, I peeped in to see one green egg. And the next day, there were two!!
She is on a full time job now...Mrs. K. But often flies off during the day. I wonder where Mr. K puts up for the night! (stupid question). Anyway, its good company. Often times, Mrs. K is sitting on the cable nearby and when she sees me with my camera, she flings herself onto the balcony and caws wildly. She is not afraid of me.I think she likes me and wants to be friends.
Your can't miss the Cuckoo's partner - the crow, also conspicuous at this time by its presence almost everywhere. On the road, in the window sill, on wires, on trees.....crows are seen collecting twigs, grass, wires, and just about anything wiry they can get hold of.
I call them Mr. and Mrs. Kavadia (sorry...just Kava and a other intention). They are a lovely pair. For several days before they began making the nest on the pot where I have Bamboo grass and incidentally a pot of water...(read apartment with swimming pool), they began to do a recce of the place...investigating, shooing away the pigeons and generally announcing to the world that this place belongs to us.
Soon after, you found them collecting twigs, and what not and lo and behold....there was a nest. On 3 May, I took a peep on to the nest when both Mr. and Mrs. K were away. Wow! it was superb. I noticed that the outer rim was made of hard twigs and other material including electrical wire (I was just looking around my balcony to see if she has not taken one of my own wires!!! searching for local material eh!!), and as you go inside, you have softer and softer grass! I wonder how they chose these items and they know exactly what to put where in sequence. I didn't quite notice who made the house. It appeared that one of them was collecting and the other was making...I am inclined to think it was the lady of the house who took control of the construction. What a fine piece. It was round in the center, which is easy. It was made by the crow just sitting in it and moving on all sides! ingenious!!!
On 6 May was the super moon. Indeed the full moon appeared like a ball of fire. On 7 May, I saw the crow sitting there intently, with mouth open ...almost as if she was possessed with something and was beyond her. In the evening that day, I peeped in to see one green egg. And the next day, there were two!!